An accident is a startling occurrence that is, by its very nature, unintended and leaves you with long-lasting effects. According to Illinois law, you can file a claim to hold the person responsible for the accident that injured you and receives compensation for your losses. Regardless of the person’s intentions, you should not bear the burden of suffering from pain, disability, medical expenses, diminished quality of life, and other resulting losses when someone else’s negligence causes an accident and results in your injuries. An accomplished Illinois car accident attorney in Geneva, IL, is here to make sure you are fully compensated for your losses when you are hurt in an accident.

Insurance companies want to pay as little as possible for an automobile accident claim. Therefore, accepting a settlement will usually be less than what you could receive at trial. However, having a vehicle crash attorney on your side will give you parity with the insurance provider.

For many years, the lawyers at the Phillips Law Offices have fought for their client’s rights to compensation. As a result, we know the insurers’ language and tactics and how to get the maximum settlement you need and deserve.

Do I Need an Accident Lawyer in Geneva, IL?

The chance that an accident victim with a simple, modest claim will be fortunate enough to receive a fair offer from the insurance company right immediately is low. Most of the time, following an accident, you need an aggressive Geneva car accident attorney fighting for your rights. Don’t hesitate to contact a Phillips Law Office car accident attorney in Geneva, Illinois, immediately if any of the following apply to you. Likewise, if any of the following apply to your accident claim, you should prepare to retain counsel:

  • You require medical attention if your injuries require it since your discomfort lasts more than 1-2 days following the accident.
  • Your injuries restrict you from working as usual.
  • You, someone else, or both of you were seriously hurt.

Any accident will leave you with concerns, doubts, and legal difficulties. Speak with a Geneva, Illinois, injury attorney at Phillips Law Office immediately to be safe. You don’t want to deal with the trouble of dealing with the insurance company and processing the legal paperwork of making an injury claim because you don’t have the time, energy, or desire to do so. Instead, hire a knowledgeable car accident attorney in Geneva to manage the case so you may go about your everyday activities.

accident attorney in Geneva

We will use diverse ways to collect evidence to support your claim, such as:

  • Police accident reports: The police report produced at the accident scene is an impartial account of what transpired and has considerable weight.
  • Photos: We’ll snap pictures at the site and compile any pictures you or other witnesses may have taken.
  • Surveillance footage: Our team will search the area immediately surrounding the accident scene for any cameras. We’ll get a copy of the video if we find one that recorded your accident.
  • Witness statements: The police who responded to the scene of your auto accident will have spoken to those who witnessed the collision.

Using Evidence to Develop a Strong Liability Case

You and your attorney must satisfy the requirements for proving negligence and liability to obtain compensation for losses resulting from a car accident. Four criteria are used to express this principle:

  • You owed the defendant a duty of care to ensure your safety while they were driving.
  • The defendant somehow broke this duty of care.
  • The defendant’s breach of this obligation brought the incident that resulted in your injuries.
  • Your injuries resulted in financial, psychological, and physical harm to you.
  • Our legal team will present the evidence convincingly to make a case for your claim for compensation from the defendant to insurers and juries.

Insurance Companies won’t be on your side

By hiring a talented car attorney, you will level up with the insurance company trying to settle the compensation at a low price. Car insurance companies will use seasoned defense lawyers and insurance adjusters in your instance.

The goal of insurance companies is to settle your case for the least amount feasible. Therefore, they can come up to you right after your mishap with a tiny offer. Please seek legal advice before accepting this offer. If you accept the money, you might not be able to pursue further damages once the total amount of your injuries becomes apparent. So, hiring an expert car accident lawyer in Geneva, IL will help you to get a fair claim.

Call Expert Car Accident Attorney in Geneva, IL

When you connect with a professional car accident attorney, Phillips Law Office, you will get any compensation. However, you only have a certain amount of time after a vehicle accident in Illinois to file a lawsuit, so it’s crucial to remember this.

Every step along the way, our knowledgeable and skilled car accident attorney in Geneva, IL, is ready to fight for your compensation. An injury claim does not have to be your responsibility alone. You deserve the excellent recovery that a committed and skilled Phillips Law Office accident attorney will help you obtain.

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