According to the latest stats from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there has been a sudden jump in increasing cases of car accidents in Illinois, including Springfield. As per the estimate, 9,560 people died in car crashes in 2022. Imagine the trauma victims may go through post-accident. Loss of employment, increasing expenses, and stress multiply as days pass. This is when hiring a professional team of a car accident lawyer in Springfield IL, Phillips Law Offices can be worth it.

Despite being a small, peaceful town, Springfield, Illinois, nonetheless experiences a high incidence of car accidents that result in injuries and fatalities. One of the main factors contributing to car accidents in Illinois is distracted driving. Any activity that takes the driver’s focus away from safely operating the vehicle qualifies as a distraction while driving.

Numerous distracted drivers engage in numerous tasks such as texting, chatting on a cell phone, drinking, or using GPS. The motorist may become distracted if they take their hands off the wheel, their eyes from the road, or their focus from the task at hand.

Common Causes of Car Accidents Springfield IL

The feeling of meeting a car accident can be terrifying. In addition to the impact’s shock, you can be hurt and unsure how to get assistance.

Your situation could get even more complicated if another driver’s negligence caused the accident. Some of the most frequent reasons for car accidents in Springfield and all of Illinois include the following:

  • Driving while intoxicated (DUI): According to the traffic law, those who have consumed alcohol with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% are permitted to operate a vehicle. A BAC over that level shows that the driver is intoxicated, which is punishable by being arrested, paying fines, having their license suspended, and potentially receiving a prison sentence.
  • Distracted driving- It is when a motorist is operating a vehicle while utilizing any technology or device, which can cause them to lose focus and cause an accident.
  • Over-Speeding: People who drive faster than the posted speed limit are more likely to be in a collision.
  • Driving carelessly- It can lead to major car accidents. Examples include:
  • Traveling at high speed.
  • Disregarding stop signs and red lights.
  • Weaving in and out of traffic.

What should you do after a car accident in Rockford, IL?

It is common to know what to do after a car accident. When possible, take pictures of the situation, acquire any witnesses’ names, and contact information, call 911, and seek emergency medical assistance. When you get home, call your insurance company, and make a note of any details you may recall about the collision. However, are you aware of the things you must avoid doing after a car accident? Following an automobile collision in Springfield, Illinois, the following are some things you must never do:

  • Never allow the other driver to talk you out of contacting the police.
  • Never put off visiting the doctor.
  • Before speaking to an attorney, you should never accept fault.
  • With a lawyer present, communicate with the other person’s insurance provider.
  • Accepting the insurance company’s initial settlement proposal is rarely a smart idea.

What is the process of claiming for a car accident injury?

Car Accident Springfield

Your attorneys will initially establish guilt in your auto collision. They achieve this by using information from the insurance company’s records, police reports, and our inquiry. Negotiations start when liability has been established. The attorneys will compile all the evidence required to make a compelling argument on your side. They will vigorously represent you if the insurance company delays or acts fishy regarding the payment for the loss. Phillips Law Offices attorneys will actively pursue your case as you go through the civil justice system.

Benefits of hiring Springfield Car Accident Lawyer

A personal injury claim for financial compensation can be challenging to file and prove. Because of this, you must appoint a dependable Springfield automobile accident attorney to handle your case.

A personal injury legal firm can manage every facet of a vehicle accident case. A capable auto accident attorney will:

  • Investigate the crash.
  • Reconstruct the accident scene for documentation.
  • Gather eyewitness testimony.
  • Depose every party at fault.
  • Negotiate an out-of-court settlement.
  • Win a jury award if settlement negotiations fail.

Springfield, IL Car Accident Lawyers assist you in getting compensation

If you are the victim of a car accident Springfield IL, and seeking the appropriate compensation to cover your loss, it’s critical to speak with a knowledgeable Springfield, Illinois, car accident lawyer. They work to guarantee you get the settlement you’re entitled to.

Personal injury lawyers with compassion and expertise may examine the facts, gather witness testimonies and accident reports, evaluate any monetary damages sustained because of the collision, and assist you in negotiating with insurance companies.

The legal advice is to hold the guilty party accountable for their acts to achieve proper compensation for medical costs and lost income. An experienced automobile accident attorney can eventually provide other losses.

Getting complete compensation from the insurance company may take years. So it is highly recommended to hire a professional who can do the job with perfection.

Hiring Phillips Law Offices for Car Accident Injury Claim at Springfield, IL

The merits of your personal injury lawsuit can be assessed for free by Phillips Law Offices. Our Springfield automobile accident attorneys use their vast knowledge to aggressively represent you in court to ensure you get your due money.

Our law company takes contingency-fee situations involving auto accidents. After completing the Springfield auto accident case, you will pay your accident attorney for our legal services.

Contact us to arrange your free initial consultation or use the contact form. We will evaluate your central Illinois auto accident claim and present you with a range of legal choices to safeguard your rights and pursue financial compensation from all parties liable for the accident to cover your medical expenses.

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