IL divorce lawyerHigh-conflict divorce is wrought with disagreement, resentment, and hurt feelings. Every divorce involves some degree of contention, but a high-conflict divorce is often characterized by ongoing hostility, litigation, and often a lack of civility between the parties. Alternative resolution methods like mediation may be out of the question, and communication between parties is often strained.

But even if you are facing a contentious divorce, there are still steps you can take to help manage the situation and come out of it in a better place. Here are five tips for getting through your high-conflict divorce in Hinsdale,

How to Handle a Divorce When Your Spouse is Hostile and Refuses to Cooperate

Each case is different, but a high-conflict divorce often involves greater legal complexities than a typical divorce. Spouses may also experience substantial emotional and psychological difficulties during the divorce process. They may have trouble sleeping or concentrating, feel anxious or depressed and even exhibit extreme revenge-seeking behaviors. If you are headed for a high-conflict divorce, make sure to prepare yourself for what is to come and build a strong support system to help you get through this challenging time in your life. Additionally, consider the following:

  • Know your rights and options from the beginning – Do you know the divorce laws in Illinois? If not, now is a good time to make sure you know your rights regarding property division, temporary support orders, alimony, and child custody.
  • Work with an attorney experienced in a high-conflict divorce – Your divorce may involve lengthy discovery, complicated motions, and numerous hearings over the course of your case. Make sure you have an attorney with experience in high-conflict divorce so they can help you navigate the process step by step.
  • Take care of yourself – Divorce can be a very stressful experience, so it is important to take care of yourself during this time. This can include getting adequate rest, exercising, eating healthy meals, and engaging in activities you enjoy. Spending time with supportive friends and family can be invaluable during the divorce.
  • Set boundaries with your spouse – You do not have to engage in hostile conversations or arguments with your spouse. If it is not necessary to communicate, do not do so. You can also set boundaries regarding how you will interact and correspond with your spouse while the divorce is pending.
  • Focus on what lies ahead – It can be hard to look beyond the emotions and disagreements of the present moment. But try to focus on the future and what you can do to make sure that your post-divorce life is positive, healthy, and rewarding.

Divorce is never easy, but if you take the time to prepare for a high-conflict divorce and make sure you have the right resources and team of professionals to help you, it can be a lot easier to get through.

Contact our DuPage County High-Conflict Divorce Lawyer

If you are ending your marriage and you suspect the divorce will be filled with conflict, you need a lawyer equipped to handle a complicated divorce case. The skilled Hinsdale divorce attorneys at Law Office of Martoccio & Martoccio can provide knowledgable support, advice, and assistance throughout your divorce. Call 630-920-8855 for a free consultation.

