Everyone makes mistakes, even good people like yourself. In order to erase your criminal records, you must discover which aspects of your criminal history are eligible for expungement (to remove the records) and which are eligible for sealing once you have obtained all the relevant data (to hide the records from the public).
Read the basics of record sealing and expungement to learn more about your rights and how a Will County Lawyer criminal defense lawyer can help you get the best results.
How to Seal A Criminal Record
The circuit clerk in the county where the arrests took place or the charges were filed must first receive your petition and payment. You must submit a petition in each county where you were charged or where you were arrested. You might be eligible for a fee waiver if your income is below the federal poverty level.
What is the Difference Between Record Sealing and Expungement?
Expungement can be described as the act of physically destroying or receiving back your criminal records so they are no longer visible to the public. Your records are not literally destroyed, however, if they are sealed. Records that have been sealed are hidden from the view of the public and cannot be accessed without a court order. Sealed records are still visible to law enforcement agencies, courts, and certain employers such as school districts.
Criminal checks do not reveal records that have been sealed or expunged. Employers are not permitted to ask applicants about their erased or sealed records, nor are they permitted to consider them when making employment decisions.
What Kind of Criminal Records Can Be Sealed?
Records for misdemeanor and felony arrests and charges that did not result in a conviction may be sealed at any moment if the judge does not permit expungement. If you were sentenced to supervision, you may seal the record two years after you successfully complete supervision.
The outcomes listed below are always eligible to be sealed:
Acquittal, dismissal, or a release without being charged
A vacated or reversed conviction
Completed court supervision
Completed qualified probation
Call a Naperville Criminal Record Expungement Attorney
These are just a few of the details you should be aware of if you wish to seal your criminal records in Illinois. For more information and a free consultation, please contact the Law Office of Patricia Magaña, LLC at 630-448-2001 today. We can set up a free initial consultation with a DuPage County criminal defense lawyer who can advise you on your options. Se Habla Español.