The COVID-19 pandemic and the sudden increase of the number of employees working at home puts even more pressure on your business to protect its proprietary, confidential and trade secret information. Some concerns you should address to protect confidential information include:

• Discuss at-home security of your business information with your employees.
• Limit what can be printed or downloaded and ensure safe disposal.
• Have your employees keep business conversations confidential.
• Have employees use only business equipment, not their personal/family devices.
• Have employees use only secure networks (your VPN).
• Educate at-home employees to identify, avoid and report hacks, inadvertent password disclosures, phishing attacks and other cyber assaults.
• Establish a “hot line” for problems or questions.

Your business should consider these steps and retain appropriate professionals for consultation. The lawyers at Brooks, Tarulis & Tibble, LLC can assist your business in this regard.

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