We experience stress every day, whether we are at work, at school, or even just dealing with mundane tasks, but major life events like a divorce can put even more stress on you as you deal with the immense pressure of making decisions that will affect you and your family for the rest of your life. Fortunately, there are certain things you can do to help yourself through this troubling time. Here are a few tips to help keep your stress levels to a minimum during your divorce:

#1. Get Your Priorities in Order

Before you even begin making decisions in your divorce, you should know what you want out of the divorce. What is most important to you? Do you want to make absolutely sure that you get your fair share of the marital property? Or are you more concerned with getting the parenting time you want? Figure out what your priorities are, and focus the majority of your time and energy on them.

#2. Allow Yourself to Grieve

Technically, a divorce is the ending of a legal relationship, but as much as it is a legal matter, it is also an emotional matter. You are ending what was once a very important relationship in your life. It is only natural that you feel sad, angry, or even depressed. Allowing yourself to fully feel what your body and mind are telling you to feel is the only way you can grieve, heal, and move on with your life.

#3. Do Not Neglect Your Physical Health

During times like these, it will do you good to remember that not only is your emotional health important, but your physical health is also crucial. Eating well, drinking enough water, exercising, and getting plenty of sleep can work miracles for your mental health as well as your physical well-being.

#4. Reach Out to Your Support System

You probably have a small group of people that you reach out to when times get tough. Maybe these people are friends or family members, but they function as your support system. You should make sure that you keep in touch with them and talk to them about your feelings. Many of them have probably gone through a breakup or divorce at some point, and it can help to have another person’s perspective during this time.

Contact a DuPage County Divorce Lawyer

It is no secret that getting a divorce is stressful. The key to managing your stress during a divorce is to figure out what works for you. What may relax one person may only aggravate another. At Calabrese Associates, P.C., we have experience dealing with all issues pertaining to divorce, including child-centered issues such as allocation of parenting time and decision-making responsibilities. You can rest easy knowing that our team of skilled Naperville, IL divorce attorneys is here to help you. Call our office today at 630-393-3111 to schedule a confidential consultation.




Dealing with a Breakup or Divorce

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