The Illinois Governor has just released the guidelines for Phase 4 of the Restore Illinois Plan, which is expected to become effective on June 26, 2020, although that could change before Friday.  
You can access the various guidelines and toolkits for Phase 4 on DCEO’s website here. You can read through an “overview” of Phase 4 here.
We are currently reviewing the Phase 4 Guidelines and will be providing more detailed information in future blog posts. We have provided a very brief summary:
For all industries:
  • All employees who can work from home should continue to do so
  • Continue to wear face covering that covers nose and mouth
  • Maintain social distance of 6 feet and frequently wash hands
  • Continue employee health screenings 
  • Follow guidelines on capacity limits and group sizes

Fitness centers and gyms may open with capacity limits at 50% and restrictions on classes of up to 50 with social distancing
Certain indoor recreation can reopen at the lesser of 50 persons or 50% capacity (bowling alleys, skating rinks, etc.) 
Concession stands and club houses can reopen
Meetings, social events, and other gatherings are limited to 50 people with social distancing
Indoor dining and drinking permitted for parties up to 10 people with spacing between tables
Outdoor seated spectator events allowed (indoor spectator events still prohibited) with a maximum of 20% seating capacity
Theaters permitted to reopen with limit of 50 people or 50% capacity
Youth and recreational sport games and tournaments permitted with capacity and group size limits
This is obviously not an exhaustive list of the new guidelines, so if you have specific questions about a use or activity, you should consult the specific guidelines for that business, use or activity, all of which are posted on DCEO’s website.