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Becoming an Elevationist

International Church of Cannabis

International Church of CannabisInternational Church of Cannabis


At the International Church of Cannabis, Elevationists gather to consume cannabis and experience community. An Elevationist uses cannabis to, “reveal the best version of self, discover a creative voice, and enrich the community with the fruits of that creativity.” Today, Tom and Miggy were joined by Steve Berke, co-founder of the International Church of Cannabis, to discuss becoming an Elevationist and using cannabis as a sacred flower.


Listen to the podcast or watch the YouTube video on the International Church of Cannabis!

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International Church of Cannabis

International Church of CannabisWhat is the International Church of Cannabis?

The International Church of Cannabis is a federally approved 501(c)(3) organization that provides a safe space for cannabis consumers to consume and practice spirituality.

  • Steve Berke describes services as “TedTalks meets MTV Unplugged”
  • Services are completely free
  • Opened on April 20, 2017



What is Elevationsim?

“Elevationsim is about being the best version of yourself that you can possibly be, and if you use cannabis as a part of your journey of self-discovery you’re an Elevationist. You can be an Elevationist Jew, Christian, or Atheist – you do not need to believe in God to be an Elevationist if you use cannabis as part of your spiritual ritual.” – Steve Berke, International Church of Cannabis

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​International Church of Cannabis

Written by: simonat

Many believe that the International Church of Cannabis is the religion of cannabis. The truth is entirely different. The International Church of Cannabis is a religion of the ascended masters, not of the weed. The church embraces exploring a sense of self. In essence, the church encourages the cultivation of personal spirituality as well as self-mastery. These principles are the core of every religion that strives to provide secure and safe answers to the followers.

Core Values of the ​International Church of Cannabis

Many changes have taken place in the world since Elevationism was founded. In this new society, there is much of a spiritual nature to human relationships. While many people still live in a materialistic way, more people cultivate religious values.

There is an essential philosophy in Elevationism that has become a standard part of many new religious movements in America today. This philosophy is based on an idea known as the Law of Attraction. It teaches that the energy surrounding us controls our thoughts and actions. It is an entirely legal concept that gives people an understanding of their inner selves. By looking within, the people can find the spiritual energy they have been searching for.

What Can You Learn at the International Church of Cannabis

Those who belong to Elevationism learn about meditation and the spiritual aspect of life, which is not quite popular nowadays. We all search for elevation, and we strive to be better, but not all of us succeed in these striving. That s why we need a place to turn to in times of trouble. By learning about such religious concepts as meditation, the members learn how to use the Universal Energy around them to become better humans. It is also through the Law of Attraction that the members learn how to act in a manner that helps them to feel the love of self and love for other people.

People who join the church of Cannabis have to have a desire to be free from personal and social woes. They also have to have a strong desire to serve the needs of others. It is not uncommon for individuals to be depressed when they first begin to explore the teachings of upliftment. Because Elevationism emphasizes individual spiritual growth, it can be difficult for some people to accept this fact. Those who try this spirituality, however, find the peace and joy that they were searching for after years of struggling with depression and other problems.

As we continue to have these conversations on spirituality and the law of attraction, we can examine the teachings of Elevationism. We learn that Elevationism is one of many different ways that individuals can fulfill their desire to grow spiritually. Many people are willing to give Elevationism a chance.

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International Church of Cannabis

International Church of Cannabis

International Church of Cannabis   At the International Church of Cannabis, Elevationists gather to consume cannabis and experience community. An Elevationist uses cannabis to, “reveal the best version of self, discover a creative voice, and enrich the community with…

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