Today’s updates discusses Illinois’ loss of gas tax revenue as a result of the pandemic. Additionally, it discusses more information surrounding Governor Pritzker’s five-phase reopening plan and the Village of Schaumburg giving residents free masks.


  • Last year Illinois’ legislature passed a six-year $45 billion infrastructure package for road repairs and train line extensions, but now the Illinois Economic Policy Institute says that Illinois is looking to lose between $296-$560 million in gas tax revenue because of the pandemic. The report recommends that the federal government provide emergency relief for state and local governments to avoid delay or cancellation of transportation projects. Some remain hopeful that the revenue that has been collected already and the revenue that will be collected when people return to work will fulfill the budgetary needs of the state for these projects, though it is difficult to predict. For more information, visit
  • Today’s Chicago Tribune has a helpful and easy to understand infographic on how the Governor’s Restore Illinois Plan affects various industries across the state. The article outlines what several industries listed will be allowed to do under each of the five phases set out in the Governor’s plan and outlined here yesterday.  For example, non-essential retail was closed in phase one, open for curbside pick-up and delivery in phase two, can open with capacity limits in phases three and four, and can all be open without restrictions in phase five.  Additionally, the graphic explains the criteria the Governor’s team will assess to determine if a region of the state must be returned to a prior phase due to a sustained increase in positive cases and hospitalizations, inability of hospitals in the region to handle a surge, and an outbreak that threatens the health of the region.  To access the info graphic visit


  • The Village of Schaumburg will give away roughly 70,000 masks to residents this week. Residents can drive through the parking lot at Boomers Stadium on Wednesday through Friday under the following schedule: (1) seniors aged 65 and older may pick up masks on Wednesday, (2) residents with last names beginning A through L can pick up masks on Thursday, and
    (3) those with last names beginning with M through Z can pick up masks on Friday. The distribution will be first-come, first-serve, and residents should stay in their vehicles and bring proof of residency in Schaumburg. For more information, visit

 HeplerBroom attorney Emilee M. Bramstedt contributed to this blog post.