The typical gestation period for a baby is approximately 40 weeks. However, various problems during pregnancy can cause an infant to be delivered too soon. Premature babies face numerous serious health concerns including brain injuries, patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), respiratory problems, vision and hearing loss, and developmental delays. There are almost countless reasons that a baby may be delivered prematurely. In some cases, preterm birth is a result of medical malpractice. If a doctor’s negligence caused or contributed to a baby being born too soon, the doctor or the medical facility may be legally responsible for a birth injury and the subsequent harm it causes.

Understanding the Medical Standard of Care

The majority of medical malpractice claims are based on a medical professional’s negligence. A doctor, nurse, or other medical professional is considered negligent when his or her failure to meet the “medical standard of care” led to a patient’s injury or death. The medical standard of care refers to the quality of treatment that a reasonably skilled professional of similar education and training would have provided in similar situations. A doctor could be liable for injuries related to premature birth if he or she failed to diagnose issues that could cause premature labor, failed to order the correct treatment for a mother at risk of premature labor, ordered the wrong type of medication, or made other mistakes that endangered the life of the infant or the mother.

Signs That a Mother May Be Experiencing Premature Labor

Doctors must take swift action when a mother shows signs of going into labor too early. In some cases, preterm labor can be halted by medication or other procedures so that the infant can continue developing in the womb. Some signs that a woman is going into premature labor include:

  • Uterine contractions that are less than 10 minutes apart

  • Backache and abdominal cramping

  • Pelvic pressure

  • Flu-like symptoms

  • Vaginal bleeding or discharge

  • Decreased movement of the baby

If a doctor fails to respond appropriately to these warning signs, and preventable preterm delivery results, he or she may be liable for any injury caused to the mother or the baby. The mother may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, her child’s ongoing medical needs, pain and suffering, and more.

Contact a Chicago Premature Birth Lawyer

When a baby is born too soon, he or she may suffer a lifetime of medical consequences. If your baby was born prematurely, and you suspect that medical negligence could have been the cause, contact Birth Injury Law Alliance to learn about your legal options. Our knowledgeable Illinois birth injury attorneys will carefully review the details of your case to determine liability and help you secure the compensation you need and deserve. Call our office today at 312-945-1300 to schedule a confidential, free consultation.



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