Many couples who are looking to add a child to their family will consider adoption as an alternative to childbirth. Adopting a child can be a rewarding experience for the parents and a great benefit to a child who may otherwise grow up without a stable home. However, Illinois has a stringent adoption process in place to ensure that the child is going to a safe home. Attempting to adopt without the guidance of a family law attorney could result in frustration with the process that discourages you from completing the adoption. There are several things you should know about adoption before you get started.

  1. There Are Multiple Ways to Adopt: Your first step in the adoption process is choosing which method of adoption you will use. Some people work with an adoption agency that matches a child with parents. Others may work outside of an agency if they are related to the child or reach an agreement with the child’s current parents. You can also choose between adopting domestically or internationally. Adopting a child from a foreign country can complicate the process depending on the adoption laws of the child’s home country.
  2. You Need to Know Whether the Child Is Eligible for Adoption: When you adopt a child, the court transfers the parental rights for the child from their biological parents to you. This can be difficult to accomplish without the biological parents’ cooperation. The parents can sign a form that consents to the adoption and waives their parental rights. To involuntarily terminate the parents’ rights, you would need to prove that the parents are unfit. Grounds for unfitness include abandonment, a conviction for a violent or sexual crime, or repeated neglect or abuse.
  3. You Must Present Yourself as a Fit Parent: Before approving an adoption, the court will require a home study to assess whether you can provide a suitable environment for the child. You can choose a professional with a licensed agency to conduct the home study. The study may include multiple visits and interviews to determine your motivations for adopting the child, how you would raise them, the type of environment the child would be living in, and your ability to support the child both financially and emotionally. There will also be a background check to see whether you have a history of criminal behavior.

Contact a McHenry County Family Law Attorney

Completing an adoption can take months or years, depending on the type of adoption that you choose. A Crystal Lake, Illinois, family law lawyer at Botto Gilbert Lancaster, PC, will make sure that the process goes as smoothly as possible. Schedule a free consultation by calling 815-338-3838.


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