As all Illinoisans know, last month, the Governor issued a “stay at home” order that has been extended through the end of April. That executive order requires, among other things, that all non-essential businesses and operations cease except for minimum basic operations relating to maintenance of inventory, payroll, and security. Since that executive order was issued, there have been a lot of questions from residents, business owners, and government bodies as to which businesses are considered “essential” and can continue to operate and which are not.
The Governor’s executive order categorizes the types of businesses that are essential and non-essential, which you can read here. In addition, Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity (DCEO) published guidance on essential businesses that they recently updated. You can read that guidance here. The DCEO’s website also includes a lot of information about essential and non-essential businesses which you can access here. Finally, the Governor has been issuing daily communications that often include information about the types of businesses that are considered essential (or not). 
Today, we thought we’d share some of the information we have gathered from a variety of resources published and communicated by the State (including the Governor and DCEO) about the types of businesses that are considered essential (or not essential) under the Governor’s stay at home order.
Essential Businesses that can continue operation with social distancing measures in place (not intended to be an exhaustive list) 
Restaurants and coffee shops (for delivery, drive-through, or pick-up only)
Grocery stores
Convenience stores
Farmers markets and farm and produce stands
Garden centers and nurseries (limited to delivery or pick-up of online/phone orders or for agricultural operations)
Landscaping and lawn services services
Hardware stores
Housing construction
Building maintenance
Moving companies
Car washes (exterior only and automated only)
Gas stations
Auto repair
Bike shops
Pet supply stores
Animal shelters
Financial institutions
Currency exchanges, pay day lenders, and pawn shops
Critical trades (plumbers, electricians, exterminators, cleaning and janitorial staff, security)
Mail, post, shipping, and delivery services
Laundry and dry cleaning
Supplies for essential businesses or to assist employees to work from home (computers, IT and telecommunications equipment)
Transportation (air, taxi, ride-sharing)
Home-based care
Residential shelters
Day care centers for essential employees
Funeral services
Cannabis dispensaries
Professional services (accounting, appraisal, real estate, legal)
Eye care
Cell phone stores
Gun shops
Non-Essential Businesses that must cease operations except for basic minimum operations such as payroll, maintenance of inventory, security (not intended to be an exhaustive list)
Fabric and craft stores
Gaming stores
Golf courses
Movie theaters, including drive-in theaters
Bowling alleys
Country or social clubs
Hair salons and barbershops
Nail salons 
Massage therapy
Tattoo parlors
Mattress sales
Pet groomers
Beauty supplies
Fitness centers and gyms
Tobacco and vape stores
CBD stores
Auto sales (except by appointment)
Please feel free to share any interpretations you have received from DCEO or other state officials on essential and non-essential businesses and we will update this post in the future.