The divorce rate in Illinois is lower than it is throughout much of the country, but that does not mean that ending a marriage in Illinois is any cheaper. In Illinois, it can cost anywhere between $35,000 and $70,000 to get a divorce, but it does not always have to cost that much. These high costs are typically reserved for litigated divorces or those that go to court where a judge can make all the decisions on the terms of the divorce. Mediation is one way to lower the cost of divorce, and it also has many other benefits, as well.

The Cost of a Mediated Divorce

Like any other type of divorce, no one can say for certain just how much a mediated divorce is, as it completely depends on the facts of the case. It is known, however, that mediation can lower the cost of divorce by as much as $10,000. The number one factor that will drive up the cost, even in a mediated divorce, is the extent to which the two spouses can agree to the terms of the divorce. When the two spouses can agree fairly quickly on those terms, the divorce will cost less for both of them.

Amicable Mediation can Lead to Better Cooperation in the Future

Many people have heard stories of bitter divorces that lasted a long time and even after the divorce was finalized, the two former spouses still could not stop fighting. There may be conflict surrounding issues such as child custody or spousal maintenance, which leads to regular fights between the former couple.

Mediated divorces, on the other hand, help foster cooperation between the two individuals during mediation sessions. During these sessions, couples often learn how to compromise and cooperate with each other, which enables them to do so after the divorce, as well.

When a divorce is finalized through mediation, the couple has also made the agreement on their own. A judge did not decide the final terms but instead, each spouse played a part in what the final agreement looks like. This can also greatly help foster cooperation and communication after the divorce because people are more likely to follow their own guidelines, rather than those imposed upon them.

Other Benefits of Mediated Divorces

In addition to lowering the cost of a divorce, as well as giving the couple more control over their divorce, there are many other benefits of mediation as well. These include:

  • Saves times
  • Confidential, as court cases are public information
  • Less formal
  • Results-driven

Our Illinois Divorce Lawyers Can Help with Your Case

At the Law Office of Martoccio & Martoccio, our experienced Hinsdale divorce lawyers can help with your divorce. We will review your case to help you determine which type of divorce is right for you, negotiate with the other side to secure the fair settlement you deserve and bring your case to a close as quickly as possible. If you are considering divorce, call us today at 630-920-8855 or contact us online to arrange a free consultation with one of our skilled attorneys.

