Today’s update discusses new additions to the extended stay-at-home order and Governor Holcomb’s reactions to the protests that took place over the weekend.
- On Monday, Governor Holcomb discussed the details of his new executive order that extends the statewide stay-at-home order through May 1, 2020. The content of the order remains the same for the general public – limiting travel to essential trips only – but it has been slightly changed to relax some provisions within hospitals. For example, the order now allows for the return of elective and non-emergency procedures at hospitals, with other medical facilities to follow in regular intervals. This slow transition is one of the measures Governor Holcomb has implemented to slowly and methodically reopen the state’s economy. For more information and to read the Executive Order in its entirety, visit https://www.in.gov/gov/files/Executive%20Order%2020-22%20Extension%20of%20Stay%20at%20Home.pdf.
- On Monday, Governor Holcomb addressed the protests that occurred Saturday outside the Governor’s residence. Protesters opposed the Governor’s decision to extend the statewide stay-at-home order. Governor Holcomb stated that while he respects the residents’ right to protest, they are not helping. Instead, he remarked that they are creating a “petri dish” where the virus can continue to spread. The Governor also emphasized that such protests and disregard for social distancing is demoralizing for those working on the front lines. For more information, visit https://www.indystar.com/story/news/health/2020/04/20/coronavirus-indiana-gov-holcomb-responds-protesters-how-demoralizing-could-be/5166568002/.
HeplerBroom attorney Emilee M. Bramstedt contributed to this blog post.