Many people who board their horses have found themselves unable to ride due to the quarantine. Boarder barns nationwide have been closed to all but essential workers caring for the animals in an effort to dampen the spread of the COVID 19 virus, so those who still want to ride may seek other methods of riding without having access to a live horse. Here’s a look at some of the horseless options, to satisfy your appetite for riding, if you want to something more than the
,,Non-Mechanical Horseback Riding Simulator
,The simplest form of simulator is a hobby horse. This favorite toy has long delighted children everywhere, and is still widely enjoyed today.
Non-mechanical horse simulators with a full body that a person can sit on have also been developed that can be used to teach riding, help with rehabilitation, and prepare for hippotherapy. An great example is the
Mechanical Horseback Riding Simulator
For those with deep pockets, a very high-end mechanical type of riding simulator comes to us from England.
Virtual Horseback Riding Simulator
,Another type of horse simulator is an adaption for video games, allowing a player to go for a virtual ride. The air cushion accessory for the riding simulation that can sense motion of the players body when seated on it has been patented by Nintendo. U.S. Patent No. 8,277,327 includes claims both to a method of simulating horseback riding; and claims to a video game accessory.
So whether you prefer your horseless ride in the form of a toy; an electronic game, a non-mechanical horse or a fully mechanical one, options are available to horse enthusiasts even while sheltering in place.