According to studies by the National Safety Council (NSC), despite the fact that nighttime driving represents only a quarter of all driving activity, 50 percent of all traffic fatalities occur at night, and safety behind the wheel during the twilight hours should be a crucial priority for all drivers. The chances of being involved in car accidents with injuries at night are significantly higher than at other times of day. This can be due to a number of factors, such as fatigued or intoxicated drivers. If you have been involved in a collision that was caused by another driver’s negligent driving at night, you should work with a personal injury attorney to determine your options for recovering financial compensation for your damages.

What You Can Do to Decrease Your Chances of Injury

While driving at night may be more dangerous than driving during the daylight hours, there are a number of ways motorists can decrease the likelihood of being involved in a collision. Drawing on compiled report data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the NSC recommends that drivers practice the following precautions when operating their vehicles at night:

  1. Keep your windshield and headlights clean. Poor visibility at night poses one of the biggest hazards for drivers, which is why it is so important for drivers to avert their eyes from oncoming lights and to wear anti-reflective eyeglasses. In addition, you can eliminate streaks on your windshield by cleaning it regularly, and ensure you are visible to others by keeping your headlights clean as well.

  2. Reduce your speed. This might seem like an obvious thing to do, but slowing down, particularly at night, can go a long way in protecting you, your passengers, and everyone else around you. Reducing your speed allows you to better combat the darkness by compensating for decreased stopping time and poorer visibility. This is especially useful during rush hour in the fall and winter when it gets darker earlier and traffic is heavy.

  3. Take extra precautions if you are age 60 or older. The American Optometric Association (AOA) reports that aging affects a person’s ability to see clearly at night. Those who are 50 years of age or older may need double the amount of light to see as well as someone in their 30s. If you are an older driver, the AOA recommends keeping up with regular vision exams and clarifying with your doctor about possible side effects of medications you may be on. It can also be helpful to take a driving course as a refresher in order to stay up to date on any changes to the rules of the road.

  4. Stay awake and alert. According to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), over 6,000 fatalities can be attributed to drowsy driving each year. It is imperative to get enough sleep each night, especially if you find yourself commuting in the evening hours. The NSF recommends at least seven to eight hours of sleep per night, and drivers should pull over the minute they feel drowsy. It is just as important to remain alert so you can be on the lookout for signs of other drivers who may be fatigued behind the wheel. Watch for cars that are drifting from lane to lane and exhibiting erratic behavior or inconsistent speeds. The more alert you are, the more capable you are of driving defensively.

Contact an Arlington Heights Personal Injury Lawyer

If you have been the victim of a nighttime vehicle collision, some of the details surrounding the accident may leave you feeling confused and disoriented. In some cases, the crash may have been caused by a drowsy driver or by a motorist who was not taking the proper care to drive safely when visibility was decreased. Be sure to contact a competent, seasoned Palatine car accident attorney right away to ensure your rights are protected. The skilled legal team at Newland & Newland LLP will work diligently to protect your best interests and fight for the compensation you need and deserve. Schedule your free consultation by calling us today at 847-797-8000.




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