Parents of new teen drivers will want to warn their teenagers of engaging in risky driving behaviors that cause car accidents and injuries. However, it is just as important to make them aware of others around them who may be driving recklessly. Instead of assuming teens are the only ones driving dangerously, a concerted effort should be made to help them observe other drivers. In addition, they should be aware of the passengers in their own vehicles. These tactics will all help them learn to drive defensively and to be a positive influence among their peers while traveling on the roadways.
Hazardous Behavior and Conditions
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported over 2,500 teen fatalities in the year 2017. This does not count the numbers of crashes and fatalities that affected others due to teen drivers’ reckless behaviors behind the wheel. Ensure that your teen driver understands that his or her decisions as a new driver impact others by discussing the following top three dangers on the road:
Distracted Driving – Without a doubt, the dangers of distracted driving are likely drilled into your teen on a regular basis. Chances are, bringing up this topic will earn you an eye roll or two, as many teens complain of hearing about distracted driving too much. Explain to your teen the reality of the situation and note that excessive warnings against these behaviors exist for a reason, namely to prevent collisions. Encourage him or her to always be alert and observant, emphasizing the defensive driving techniques learned in his or her driver education course. Be sure to illustrate that distracted driving is not simply using your phone while behind the wheel. Driving distracted can mean everything from eating and drinking, changing the radio station or GPS, talking to others in the car, or driving when you are too tired to safely operate the vehicle.
Aggressive Driving – Scanning the surrounding lanes for aggressive motorists, such as those who are speeding, tailgating, or erratically switching lanes, is a crucial part of being an alert, defensive driver. Alert your teen about the dangers of engaging in this type of driving. In addition, provide guidance for how to spot these kinds of behaviors in others and what to do to stay safe upon encountering such aggressive actions on the road. It is especially important to discourage racing or further provoking a driver who is already exhibiting dangerous behavior.
Poor Conditions – Just as it is necessary to instruct your teen about the importance of keeping up with vehicle maintenance in order to ensure his or her car is functioning properly, it is also essential to stress the need for awareness of roadway conditions before he or she ventures out. Inclement weather such as snow, rain, or fog can reduce a driver’s visibility. In addition, temporary construction zones can create problematic driving conditions. When these conditions are combined with existing dangers, such as reckless driving, the highways can become especially treacherous. Remind your teen of the responsibility required to safely commute from point A to point B every time he or she gets behind the wheel.
Having a new teen driver in the family is nerve-wracking for everyone, but you do not have to instill fear when talking with your teen about driving habits. Instead, share realistic statistics about the dangers of driving and make sure he or she understands that actions have consequences. Encourage common sense and responsibility while sharing your own teen driving stories and what you learned from those experiences. Not only will these conversations be educational, but they will also encourage future talks and inspire safety awareness in the years to come.
Contact a Palatine Personal Injury Lawyer
Learning to drive takes practice and patience. Even when defensive driving techniques are employed, it is impossible to predict the actions of other motorists on the road. If you or your teen driver have been involved in a collision, speak with a knowledgeable, seasoned Arlington Heights car accident attorney right away. The dedicated team at Newland & Newland LLP will fight hard to protect your rights to compensation if a negligent driver was at fault for your crash. Call us today at 847-797-8000 to schedule a free and confidential consultation.