All Illinois residents are currently experiencing some disruption in their lives because of the coronavirus epidemic. This includes people who are planning to or in the process of getting divorced. The DuPage County Courthouse has postponed hearings that it does not consider to be urgent until at least April 17. With all of the uncertainty surrounding the virus, there is no way of knowing for certain when hearings will be rescheduled and whether the courthouse will have to take other steps to protect the public. For those who have already completed their divorces, there may be urgent questions about what to do if they cannot comply with the support payments and parenting schedule in their divorce agreement.
Support Payments
Many people are currently unable to work because of businesses closing in response to the epidemic. Others may have significantly reduced hours and pay. Unfortunately, people do not know when their jobs may come back if they come back at all. Lost income affects people in many ways, including their ability to pay child support and spousal maintenance. Violating court-ordered support payments can result in fines and penalties. If you are worried that you will not be able to afford your next child support or maintenance payment, you need to contact a divorce lawyer to discuss:
- How much you can afford pay while having enough money left to pay for your living expenses
- Whether you need to request a reduction in your support payments because of the change in your income
You will not be able to schedule a hearing to modify your child support or maintenance payments until your local courthouse is operating at a greater capacity. However, you can still prepare and submit your petition and request that the payments be reduced retroactively.
Parenting Schedule
The epidemic does not change your requirement to adhere to your parenting schedule by transferring your children between homes – as long as it does not put your children in danger. If one of you is under quarantine because you suspect you have the coronavirus, the children should not risk becoming infected by visiting that parent. Even though news reports suggest that the virus is not as great a threat to children, they could still become carriers who spread the virus. You may be having a problem with childcare if your children are home from school but you are still required to work. If your co-parent is not working, you should consider asking them whether they would be able to watch the children while you are at work.
Contact a DuPage County Divorce Lawyer
These are just a few concerns that you may have about the coronavirus if you are planning to divorce. A Naperville, Illinois, divorce attorney at Calabrese Associates, P.C., will help you with any other concerns you may have about your case. Schedule a consultation by calling 630-393-3111.