Even the most responsible physicians can become the subject of a medical board investigation. Each state medical board is required to investigate any complaints that they receive, even if the complaint has no merit to it. When you are under investigation for a complaint that was made about you, it can be a nerve-wracking experience. Your professional reputation and medical license could be at stake, depending on the nature of the complaint and outcome of the investigation. If you are dealing with a medical board investigation, proper preparation is key to a successful outcome. Here are a few ways you can prepare for a medical board investigation:
Understand the Investigation Process
Even though the medical board has to review each and every complaint that is made to them, they do have an evaluation process that they use for complaints. If they find that a complaint is unsubstantial, they will not pursue any action against you. If they do think a complaint is worth looking into, however, they will likely send you a letter requesting a medical record review. If this happens, it usually means the medical board has flagged the complaint as a serious one.
Respond to Your Complaint Promptly
Once the medical board determines that a complaint should be served to the physician, they only have so long to respond to the complaint. If you have had a complaint formally served to you, you must respond to the complaint within 20-45 days or you face disciplinary action. The medical board expects physicians to be completely honest and transparent when it comes to complaints that are filed against them.
Compile Your Documentation
Once you have had a complaint served to you, you should begin to compile documentation relating to that patient. Your attorney will be able to help you pin down the type of records and documentation that the investigators will likely ask for. This can include the records from the particular patient, your notes and information about other patients who have received the same procedure or treatment.
Hire a Skilled Illinois Medical Board License Defense Attorney Right Away
If you are called upon by the medical board to provide medical records for a complaint that was received, that is a sign that your investigation could become serious. If this is the case, you need to immediately contact a knowledgeable Illinois medical board license defense lawyer. At the Law Offices of Joseph J. Bogdan, LLC, we know how hard you worked to get to where you are in your career as a physician. The last thing you would want is for a medical board investigation gone bad to ruin it all. Call our office today at 630-310-1267 to schedule a consultation.