You may have thought this had pittered out. I certainly did after I took this picture of cases of Guns ‘N’ Rosé beer on the trade show floor at the April Craft Brewers’ Conference in Denver:
But it didn’t. Not everyone thinks this is parody. The parodied certainly don’t.
Guns N’ Roses filed this lawsuit (link to complaint) yesterday against Canarchy Craft Brewery Collective over the Oskar Blues Guns ‘N’ Rosé alleging trademark infringement, dilution, unfair competition, and misappropriation.
Paging through the exhibits, you’ll find letters back-and-forth between counsel for the companies showing this dispute was ongoing long after the initial media flare up had passed. From the letters, it looks like the parties were working towards some resolution, with Canarchy offering to stop using the mark and selling the beer by early 2020.
Not to stir up anything, but it’s got to hurt Slash’s feelings that even in the Complaint, Axl gets top billing: